Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shit do happened in life….We have to get use of it!

6 August 2011

Today, I’ve have heard too many shitty things…

Why? Why I’m being treated like this? Am I suck in everything I do? Am I not deserve anything as a feedback? Am I just worthless staying alive….?


Well, there is a famous quote that i like the most… and I’m gonna apply it on the shit that happened on me…

“If you don’t like a thing, then change it. If you can’t change it, just change the way you think about it.”

I really hope my master shifu would come back and gives me some courage….

there is another thing that makes me happy, although shit happened non-stoply… I passed my Radio Amateur Exam, I’m excited about it…Yay, at least some feedback returned….


My karate buddy leave to Canada recently( wish her all the best). Hence, nobody will be with me along the class. I’ll be as lonely as I used to be.


Will be part of the best memory in my life…

I”m tired of being a mannequin…

6 August 2011

For all these years, I have been a dumbass! Yeah, I’m just a mannequin for them, a thing which without feeling and let you guys use as much as you want, whatever you want to do with. I know, I realize, I’m just a dog…in your eyes…

Although I’m part of your group, but I don’t feels like I’m part of you guys. Because I’m just a tools, for you to achieve you purpose. All the things that I’ve done seem to be not appreciated by you guys. I’m just a loser….. Yeah….

In a conclusion, I’m tired… I’m sick of being your tools, mannequin… Letting you do whatever you want… Because whatever I do, I’m still an outsider… I’m quitting…


