Thursday, August 26, 2010

Slump Test

26 August 2010
Slump test is a test conducted before the concrete to be used for casting. The purposed of slump test is to determined the water content in concrete (whether it is too dry or too wet for concreting) and its workability.
Normally it is done for every mixer truck arrived. But it can also be detected by the movement of the wet concrete when it is being poured out to the bucket (when you familiar with it).
A slump can be collapse, or shear, when it is failed. A failed slump will need to be re-batching at the batching plant.
Equipment for slump test
  • Base plate
  • Trowel to mix concrete mixture
  • Steel tamping rod
  • Slump cone
  • Ruler
Aparatus of Slump test
Wet concrete are divided into 3 layers(common standard)or 4 layers(MS standard)
Each layer will be compacted with compacting rod as much as 25 times
Frustum is lifted up slowly
Frustum come is placed invertly beside slump and the degree od slump acquired from the reading of ruler or measuring tape.

Rectification for wall crack

26 August 2010
It's time for me to share.
Today I'm gonna post something that I've learn in site. Information provided only for reference. Any wrong information that I given are welcome to post comment.
Wall crack usually happened when curing is not done properly casting. A correct method of rectification is very important to avoid structure failure, especially IBS that our site is using.
Crack on wall
Chipping is done until there is no crack line
Chipped section is watered so that the sika grout will stick to the wall
Sika grout is used to patch up the crack area
Patch area is smoothen with movement of sponge

Update on my practical training…

26 August 2010
It's been two month I have been doing my practical here at Binapuri. Well, I think it's time for me to share some of my thought here about it.
Well, let's begin my talk with people here…
Mr Tan – Pm of the site. He is actually my idol here thou as he leads like a great leader.
Mr Yap – I'm afraid of him. That's why I don't dare to ask him questions even though I'm his apprentice.
Mr Zia – A friendly engineer here.
Mr Alex – A very funny and open minded guy I ever met.
Mr Wilfred – Young energetic engineer which have to walk a long distance every day.
Mr Kelvin – Sometimes serious, but yet a cute supervisor.
Mr Aminin – A guy I bother the most, great balancer.
Mr Mumin – Went to Sarawak, but he taught me a great lesson.
Mr Jemli – A smiling surveyor.
Mr Yasun – I think he is a cute daddy.
Mr Nelson – He always cheer me up when I'm moody.
Ms JC – I love her, she always have no worries.
Mr Habib – A careful safety officer.
Mr Jacob – He is my teacher of backhoe.
Jailis – He helps me a lot when I'm in trouble.
Azeem – He always do funny act such as holding a gun just like James bond inside a building.
Atan – A cute sub con that I have joke with.
Bang bang – Yong bang bang…
WillBond – A very young sub con.
Other Gw and security - They are kind as they always telling me to be careful when I'm back.
Now let's talk about my work. Basically I followed them to the site and do my own observation. Sometimes I'd help up in brick laying that kind of stuff. Then spend my afternoon taking a nap. Haha… That's all… for now…

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Karate do…

9 August 2010
Today, I have my very first karate class teaches by Sensei Cyril Oh (one of the officer at Red Crescent). It begin with the day where we gather at Siew Ching's BBQ party when we discussed about it.
The Dojo located at YMCA, Damai. We were taught about stances and hoe to punch correctly. Well, hope I can be as good as Cyril one day.

Fishing for the first time…

7 August 2010
I went to fishing for the first time with my friend at site, which is Aminin and his wife, Nelson and Atan. I borrowed the fishing rod from my uncle and we went to our destination, under the Tuaran Bridge. I was so excited until I'm thinking of how many fished would I catch for the day, But pantang for me, I catched none. It wasn't our luck as the fishes won't eat our "already died bait". Lucky for Nelson, he cought two little fishes and gave it to me.